WAEC Basic Electricity/ Applied Electricity Syllabus 2019/2020 | See Concentrated Topics Here WAEC Basic Electricity/ Applied Electricity  Syllabus 2019 is Out…The Basic Electricity/ Applied Electricity 2019/2020 West African Examination Council (WAEC) Syllabus is aim at preparing candidates for the Board's examination. WAEC Basic Electricity/ Applied Electricity  Syllabus PREAMBLE This examination syllabus has been evolved from the Senior Secondary School Electricity curriculum. It is designed to test candidates' knowledge and understanding of electrical and electronic principles, maintenance and repair of domestic and industrial equipment and safe working procedures. The examination syllabus does not replace the curriculum. OBJECTIVES The objective of the syllabus is to test candidates': knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and principles of Basic Electricity/Applied Electricity; ability to use tools and equipment in the maintenance and repair of electrical/electronic devices; understanding of the principle of operation and the application of simple electrical/electronic devices; understanding of safe working procedures and safety precautions in domestic and industrial installation. EXAMINATION SCHEME There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting. PAPER 1:      will consist of fifty multiple-choice objective questions to be answered in 1 hour for 50 [...]

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