WAEC Auto Mechanical Work Syllabus 2019/2020 | See Current Auto Mechanical Work Syllabus Here WAEC Auto Mechanical Work Syllabus 2019 is Out…The Auto Mechanical Work 2019/2020 West African Examination Council (WAEC) Syllabus is aim at preparing candidates for the Board's examination. WAEC Auto Mechanical Work Syllabus EXAMINATION SCHEME There will be three papers, Papers 1, 2 and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 shall be a composite paper to be taken at one sitting. Paper 1:           will consist of forty multiple-choice objective questions all of which are to be answered in 45 minutes for 40 marks. Paper 2:           will consist of two sections, Sections A and B to be answered in 2 hours 15 minutes for 80 marks. Section A:       will consist of ten short-structured questions to be answered in 30 minutes for 20 marks. Section B:       will consist of five essay questions.   Candidates will be required to answer any four in 1 hour 45 minutes for 60 marks. Paper 3:           will be a practical test of 2 hours 30 minutes duration.  It will consist of two compulsory questions for  80 marks.   A list of materials shall be made available to schools [...]

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